Sound vibration relaxation

🎼 Sound vibration therapy is a unique method of relieving mental stress and aligning the human nervous system.

💦 Our body is 90% water - an excellent conductor of vibrations. It responds perfectly to various vibrations in the surrounding space and, of course, to sounds.
Many vibrations have a destructive effect on a person and lead him into imbalance, depleting the energy structure, nervous system and the body as a whole.
🔔 Sounds, overtones and vibrations of Singing bowls, beats, gongs and other “live” musical instruments successfully resist negative vibrations, balance and fill with energy.
With their help, you can influence the general condition of the body, recharging its cells, as well as energy centers.
It’s a pity that not a single video can convey all the beauty and power of live sound in our studio . A space with high ceilings begins to sound in thousands of reflections, and the vibrations seem to penetrate inside and trigger a resonance within you.

💜 Come and experience this Magic for yourself!

Yin Yoga to the sounds of Singing Bowls - the art of relaxing the Body and Mind, in which everyone can become a Master.

From time to time we hold this event together with Lesya Prus, a certified Yin Yoga teacher. 

What are you doing?

You settle into a pose that deeply affects a specific part of the body and relax, surrounded by magical sounds.

What happens to your body?

Thanks to immobility and relaxation, the effect reaches not only the muscles and joints, but also the deep layers of connective tissue - fascia. Live music takes you into a meditative state.

What is the effect of this Practice?

If the Yang principle predominates in your life, like all office workers, athletes and people in a hurry to get a lot done, then by adding Yin practice to your life, you will feel balanced, whole, and free. Well, it’s best to try the healing power of the living vibration of the Cups yourself. 

Before the event, please read Rules for coming to practice

✅ This is not a regular event taking place on Saturday. Follow advertising on social networks and be sure to register in the Events section.