Power yoga, yoga for pregnant women, baby yoga

Hello everyone!

I, Olga Vannik, are a certified teacher of Hatha Yoga
475 ACH (Yoga Academy Moscow), Perinatal and Baby Yoga according to the English Birthlight system (Cambridge).
What was my Path to Yoga...
In my opinion, it has always been present in my life.

👧 As a child, I really loved contemplation and practiced #doingnothing)))

👀 While spending the summer in the village, I went for a walk and just sat down to watch what was happening around me. Birds in the sky, grasshoppers in the grass - my eyes found so many interesting things.

Some phenomena seemed magical, some natural, but they were an integral part of this World - this taught me to perceive reality consciously, the course of events as a true given.

Question - #why_and_why_am_here? - tormented me from a very early age. But the answers did not begin to come immediately, but only years later, when I became interested in Yogic philosophy, and then in the practice of Asanas...

Over time, having undergone numerous trainings, I stopped being afraid and in awe of the “overseas beast”, and learned to calmly explore new possibilities of my favorite activity and my own body.

Everything that happens to us, our “successes” and “failures” work for our Growth, complement each other, build a beautiful Temple around. And by finding like-minded people, we connect these Creations with each other, creating amazing “worlds” full of harmony and unity.

☯️ Everyone can build their own harmonious World and Life will sparkle with new colors when you begin to realize Reality.

And I invite you to my World - we will give each other the warmth of our Souls and grow together!

Go to my Facebook profiles Olga Vannik and Instagram - @miolli.roya_yoga