Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga

💪 Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Chikitsa - Episode 1 - this is the original power yoga.

Ashtanga yoga means "eight-fingered yoga" and is a structured form of yoga in the vinyasa style - a technique that links breath with movement, creating a continuous sequence of poses, the series of which remains the same each time. It quickly and effectively works and cleanses not only the physical body, but also heals our mental shell, while simultaneously filling us with life-giving Prana (Universal Energy):

  • Boosts psychological well-being: Reduces stress and anxiety by calming the nervous system. 
  • Improves flexibility and strength while reducing weight through regular strength training to strengthen and tone muscles.
  • Reduces blood pressure as it is an excellent workout for the cardiovascular system.

🍰 And in conclusion, the “cherry on the cake” awaits you in the form of sound-vibration Shavasana in a hall with excellent and unique acoustics. 

😉 Come, it will be exciting!

Classes (90-105 min) are held simultaneously in the studio and online via ZOOM. Before the class starts please read The rules for coming to practice, and for beginners it is better to fill out Questionnaire for beginners

✅ Mandatory registration for each lesson in the system